‡Indicates supervised lab members
Monnens, D.M.‡, J.R. López‡, B.G. Tamang‡, E. McCoy‡, A.J. Lorenz and W. Sadok. High-throughput phenotyping and genetic mapping of whole-plant transpiration response to atmospheric drying in soybean (under review)
Koehler, T., F.J.P. Wankmüller, W. Sadok, and A. Carminati. Transpiration response to soil drying vs. increasing vapor pressure deficit in crops – physical and physiological mechanisms and key plant traits (under review)
Monnens, D.M.‡, R. Ford Denison and W. Sadok. Vapor-pressure deficit increases nitrogen fixation in a legume crop (accepted, New Phytologist).
50. Tamang, B.G.‡, D.M. Monnens‡, J.R. López‡, J.A. Anderson, B.J. Steffenson and W. Sadok. 2022. The genetic basis of transpiration sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit in wheat. Physiologia Plantarum, 174 (5), e13752.
49. Sadok, W., J.J. Wiersma, B.J. Steffenson, S.S. Snapp and K.P. Smith. 2022. Improving winter barley adaptation to freezing and heat stresses in the US Midwest: bottlenecks and opportunities. Field Crops Research, 286, 108635.
48. López, J.R.‡, B.G. Tamang‡, D.M. Monnens‡, K.P. Smith and W. Sadok. 2022. Canopy cooling traits associated with yield performance in heat-stressed oat. European Journal of Agronomy, 139, 126555.
47. Tamang, B.G.‡, J.R. López‡, E. McCoy‡, A. Haaning, A. Sallam, B.J. Steffenson, G. J. Muehlbauer, K.P. Smith and W. Sadok. 2022. Association between xylem vasculature size and freezing survival in winter barley. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 208 (3), 362–372.
46. Merry, R., A. Dobbels, W. Sadok, S. Naeve, R.M. Stupar and A. J. Lorenz. 2022. Iron deficiency in soybean. Crop Science, 16 (4), 1875646.
45. Sadok, W., J.R. López‡ and K.P. Smith. 2021. Transpiration increases under high‐temperature stress: Potential mechanisms, trade‐offs and prospects for crop resilience in a warming world. Plant, Cell and Environment, 44 (7), 2102–2116.
44. López‡, J.R, D.A. Way and W. Sadok. 2021. Systemic effects of rising atmospheric vapor pressure deficit on plant physiology and productivity. Global Change Biology, 27 (9), 1704–1720.
43. López‡, J.R, R. Schoppach‡ and W. Sadok. 2021. Harnessing nighttime transpiration dynamics for drought tolerance in grasses. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 16 (4), 1875646.
42. Sadok, W. and S.V.K. Jagadish. 2020. The hidden costs of nighttime warming on yields. Trends in Plant Science, 25 (7), 644–651.
41. Schoppach‡, R, T.R. Sinclair and W. Sadok. 2020. Sleep tight and wake-up early: nocturnal transpiration traits to increase wheat drought tolerance in a Mediterranean environment. Functional Plant Biology, 47 (12): 1117–1127.
40. Sadok, W, J.R. López‡, Y. Zhang‡, B.G. Tamang‡, and G. Muehlbauer. 2020. Sheathing the blade: significant contribution of sheaths to daytime and nighttime gas exchange in a grass crop. Plant, Cell and Environment, 43 (8): 1844–1861.
39. Monnens‡, D., and W. Sadok. 2020. Whole-plant hydraulics, water saving, and drought tolerance: a triptych for crop resilience in a drier world. Annual Plant Reviews Online, 3 (4): 661–698 (invited review).
38. Sadok, W. and R. Schoppach‡. 2019. Potential involvement of root auxins in drought tolerance by modulating nocturnal and daytime water use in wheat. Annals of Botany, 124 (6): 969–978.
37. Sadok, W. and B.G. Tamang‡. 2019. Diversity in daytime and nighttime transpiration dynamics in barley indicate adaptation to drought regimes across the Middle-East. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 205(4): 372–384.
36. Tamang‡, B.G., R. Schoppach‡, D. Monnens‡, B.J. Steffenson, J.A. Anderson, and W. Sadok. 2019. Variability in temperature-independent transpiration responses to evaporative demand correlate with nighttime water use and its circadian control across diverse wheat populations. Planta, 250 (1): 115–127.
35. Sadok, W., Schoppach‡, M.E. Ghanem, C. Zucca, and T.R. Sinclair. 2019. Wheat drought-tolerance to enhance food security in Tunisia, birthplace of the Arab Spring. European Journal of Agronomy, 107: 1–9.
34. Wiering, N.P., C. Flavin, C.C. Sheaffer, G.C. Heineck, W. Sadok, and N.J. Ehlke. 2018. Winter hardiness and freezing tolerance in a hairy vetch collection. Crop Science, 58 (4): 1594–1604.
33. Tamang‡, B.G., and W. Sadok. 2018. Nightly business: links between daytime canopy conductance, nocturnal transpiration and its circadian control illuminate physiological trade-offs in maize. Environmental and Experimental Botany,148: 192–202.
32. Claverie‡, E., F. Meunier, M. Javaux, and W. Sadok. 2018. Increased contribution of wheat nocturnal transpiration to daily water use under drought. Physiologia Plantarum, 162(3): 290–300.
31. Schoppach‡, R., D. Fleury, T.R. Sinclair and W. Sadok. 2017. Transpiration sensitivity to evaporative demand across 120 years of breeding of Australian wheat cultivars. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 203(3): 219–226.
30. Schoppach‡, R., A. Soltani, T.R. Sinclair and W. Sadok. 2017. Yield comparison of simulated rainfed wheat and barley across the Middle East. Agricultural Systems, 153: 101–108.
29. Sinclair, T.R., J. Devi, A. Shekoofa, S. Choudhary, W., Sadok, V., Vadez, M. Riar and T. Rufty. 2017. Limited-transpiration response to high vapor pressure deficit in crop species. Plant Science, 260: 109–118 (Review Paper).
28. Sinclair, T.R., A. Manandhar, A. Shekoofa, P. Rosas-Anderson, L. Bagherzadi, R. Schoppach‡, W. Sadok and T. W. Rufty. 2017. Pot binding as a variable confounding plant phenotype: theoretical derivation and experimental observations. Planta, 245(4): 729–735.
27. Sadok, W. 2017. Chapter 11. Wheat. In: Sinclair T.R. Ed. Water-Conservation Traits to Increase Crop Yields in Water-deficit Environments: Case studies. SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science pp 85-92 (Review Chapter).
26. Claverie‡, E., R. Schoppach‡ and W. Sadok. 2016. Nighttime evaporative demand induces plasticity in leaf and root hydraulic traits. Physiologia Plantarum, 158 (4): 402–413.
25. Schoppach‡, R., J.D. Taylor, E. Majerus‡, E. Claverie‡, U. Baumann, R. Suchecki, D. Fleury and W. Sadok. 2016. High resolution mapping of traits related to whole-plant transpiration under increasing evaporative demand in wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany, 67 (9): 2847–2860.
24. Hainaut‡, P., T. Remacle‡, C. Decamps, R. Lambert and W. Sadok. 2016. Higher forage yields under temperate drought explained by lower transpiration rates under increasing evaporative demand. European Journal of Agronomy, 72: 91–98.
23. W. Sadok. 2016. The circadian life of nocturnal water use: when late night decisions help improve your day. Plant, Cell and Environment, 39(1): 1–2 (Invited Commentary).
22. Craheix, D., J.-E. Bergez, F. Angevin, C. Bockstaller, M. Bohanec, B. Colomb, T. Doré, G. Fortino, L. Guichard, E. Pelzer, A. Méssean, R. Reau and W. Sadok. 2015. Methodological guidelines for designing multicriteria models to assess agricultural sustainability. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 35: 1431–1447.
21. Schoppach‡, R., E. Claverie‡ and W. Sadok. 2014. Genotype-dependent influence of night-time vapour pressure deficit on night-time transpiration and daytime gas exchange in wheat. Functional Plant Biology, 41: 963-971.
20. Schoppach‡, R., D. Wauthelet‡, L. Jeanguenin and W. Sadok. 2014. Conservative water use under high evaporative demand associated with smaller root metaxylem and limited trans- membrane water transport in wheat. Functional Plant Biology, 41: 257–269.
19. Schoppach‡, R. and W. Sadok. 2013. Transpiration sensitivities to evaporative demand and leaf areas vary with night and day warming regimes among wheat genotypes. Functional Plant Biology, 40: 708–718.
18. Schoppach‡, R. and W. Sadok. 2012. Differential sensitivities of transpiration to evaporative demand and soil water deficit among wheat elite cultivars indicate different strategies for drought tolerance. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 84: 1–10.
17. Sadok, W. and T. R. Sinclair. 2012. Zinc treatment results in transpiration rate decreases that vary among soybean genotypes. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 35: 1866–1877.
16. Fiscus, E.L., F.L. Booker, W. Sadok and K.O. Burkey. 2012. Influence of atmospheric vapour pressure deficit on ozone responses of snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63: 2557–2564.
15. Devi, M.J., W. Sadok and T. R. Sinclair. 2012. Transpiration response of de-rooted peanut plants to aquaporin inhibitors. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 78: 167–172.
14. Sadok, W., M.E. Gilbert, M.A.S. Raza, and T.R. Sinclair. 2012. Basis of slow-wilting phenotype in soybean PI 471938. Crop Science, 52: 1261–1269.
13. Gilbert, M.E., N.M. Holbrook, M.A. Zwieniecki, W. Sadok and T.R. Sinclair. 2011. Field confirmation of genetic variation in soybean transpiration response to vapor pressure deficit and photosynthetic compensation. Field Crops Research, 124: 85–92.
12. Welcker, C., W. Sadok, G. Dignat, M. Renault, S. Salvi, A. Charcosset and F. Tardieu. 2011. A common genetic determinism for sensitivities to soil water deficit and evaporative demand : meta-analysis of QTLs and introgression lines of maize. Plant Physiology, 157: 718–729.
11. Sadok, W., and T. R. Sinclair. 2011. Crops yield increase under water limited conditions: review of recent physiological advances in soybean genetic improvement. Advances in Agronomy, 113: 313–337.
10. Sadok, W., and T. R. Sinclair. 2010. Genetic variability of transpiration response of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) plants to leaf hydraulic conductance inhibitor AgNO3. Crop Science, 50: 1423–1430.
9. Sadok, W., and T. R. Sinclair. 2010. Transpiration response of ‘slow-wilting’ and commercial soybean (Glycine max [L.]) Merr.) genotypes to three aquaporin inhibitors under high evaporative demand. Journal of Experimental Botany, 61: 821–829.
8. Bergez, J-E., N. Colbach, O. Crespo, F. Garcia, C. Gary, M.-H. Jeuffroy, E. Justes, C. Loyce, N. Munier-Jolain, and W. Sadok. 2010. Designing crop management systems by simulation. European Journal of Agronomy, 32: 3–9.
7. Sadok, W., and T. R. Sinclair. 2009. Genetic variability of transpiration response to vapor pressure deficit among soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) genotypes selected from a recombinant inbred line population. Field Crops Research, 113 (2): 156–160.
6. Sadok, W., F. Angevin, J-E. Bergez, C. Bockstaller, B. Colomb, L. Guichard, R. Reau, A. Messéan, and T. Doré. 2009. MASC, a qualitative multi-attribute decision model for ex ante assessment of the sustainability of cropping systems. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 29: 447–462.
5. Sadok, W., and T. R. Sinclair. 2009. Genetic variability of transpiration response to vapor pressure deficit among soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) cultivars. Crop Science, 49: 955–960.
4. Sadok, W., F. Angevin, J-E. Bergez, C. Bockstaller, B. Colomb, L. Guichard, R. Reau, and T. Doré. 2008. Ex ante assessment of the sustainability of alternative cropping systems: implications for using multi-criteria decision-aid methods. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 28: 163–174.
3. Sadok, W., B. Boussuge, C. Welcker, and F. Tardieu. 2007b. A modelling approach to genotype x environment interaction: genetic analysis of the response of maize growth to environmental conditions. Chapter 7. In J.H.J. Spiertz, P.C. Struik and H.H. van Laar (Eds.), Scale and Complexity in Plant Systems Research: Gene-Plant-Crop Relations, Springer, the Netherlands. Frontis Series Volume: 21, Pages: 77-91, ISBN: 978-1-4020-5905-6.
2. Sadok, W., P. Naudin, B. Boussuge, B. Muller, C. Welcker, and F. Tardieu. 2007a. Leaf growth rate per unit thermal time follows QTL-dependent daily patterns in hundreds of maize lines under naturally fluctuating conditions. Plant, Cell and Environment, 30: 135–146.
1. Tardieu, F., M. Reymond, B. Muller, C. Granier, T. Simonneau, W. Sadok, and C. Welcker. 2005. Linking physiological and genetic analyses of the control of leaf growth under changing environmental conditions. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 56: 937–946.